Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Or: How about that equinox?

I am an uncle once again with a nephew, born September 23rd. It's amazing to me that he would be born on my own birthday, on the autumnal equinox (like in 85 when I was born) and at 6:20pm, two minutes after my own (supposed) birth time. Even if it's not that close its pretty awesome.

My sister and I are 8 years apart, so she had already grown up quite a bit when I was born. As she got older she took on more and more of a parent's role in my life, and especially in the lives of my two younger siblings. As soon as she turned 18 she got married and left home. She married an artist who she's still married to now, 16 years later.

After she left when I was 10, I assumed the role of parent to my two younger siblings. I rebelled against this imposed duty, while trying to help raise my brother and sister as best I could. I taught myself how to cook, and battled my mother when necessary to get things done in the name of our family. I did my best while I could, and even when I had a step-father around I tried to shelter my siblings from the reality that our actual parent(s) wanted to live their own lives instead of dedicate their time to our upbringing. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That phrase always rang true for me.

My sister gave me a niece three years ago, but she was already living here in Florida while I was still in Houston. To live with her during this second pregnancy has given me a lot of insights in to parenting that I hadn't really seen when I was younger. I've had complete faith in her and my brother-in-law when it came to raising children (my niece being an amazing and brilliant child) so I know this second (and final) child has a loving and amazing life ahead of him.

So welcome to the world Baby Finn(igan)!

Oh yeah, my own birthday..
I had an amazing time with the amazing friends I've made here. My good friend Joshua Davis get's a special thank you for helping put together my outing and following-day-grill-athon.

Some artwork will surely follow soon. Hang in there. GET IT TOGETHER.

Haha.. girl-athon.

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