Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I might as well use this to remember/freak out about what I need to do these days. These days.

Here are some badass images by David Shrigley:

I'm going to give a short presentation about him tomorrow. I barely agreed to it, and I'm dreading it. Thankfully the work is enjoyable, comical, and smart. Sm-art is great imho.

Titled 'The Wind'..?
I honestly find most of his work witty and at times hilariously pretentious. Almost.

His stuff is absurd, and beautifully so.

His work has been turned in to some wonderfully obvious and ironic tattoos.
But some could really have been done by anyone:

I've been meaning to update this more, but my life has been quite busy. Perhaps if I use the blog in a basic documentary fashion I'll get in to the habit. Perhaps this blog will help me to remember the good times. Perhaps soon we will all be immortal.
I've met some amazing people since I moved here; many in the last few months. I've found a local music scene that I feel quite at home around. Soon I will be an uncle x 2, and I turn twenty six in a matter of days.

These days.

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