Monday, September 5, 2011

An introduction; to myself, to my work, to this blog.

Here I dwell, 3 weeks deep in to my 2nd year as a Masters candidate at FAU.
I've been creating art in a semi-serious manner for some 10 years now, though I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. Why I've been hesitant to create one of these (and put my entire life, concepts and insecurities on display..) who knows! But thanks to the help of my great and supportive friend Elf this thing has finally gotten started.

Documentation is everything in the art world, so what better way to record my progression from student to super-serious artist, than in a super-hip, Pooh-themed blog?

This way people will KNOW me, like know-me know me. Maybe not. Through this I can also hopefully stay more closely connected with other artists, good people, and cool-ass groups like Art Sandwiches.

Come to think of those merry folks, I miss a lot of people in my home-town of Houston (and across the country). But, I moved to Florida for many reasons; to gain new perspectives, to shed distractions, and as a sort of self-imposed exile (Grad school).

I hope whoever reads this enjoys doing so, get's to know me a bit better, and maybe even assists in my progress; through humorous comments, insults, public service announcements, critiques, etc.

All are welcome.

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